KDE appearance has some common features with Windows. Therefore, Windows users will be the easiest way to get started in this interface. In my opinion quite interesting, we will put it. First, set the repository Epel (but mine do not need it).

Up Login as root and run the command

cd /opt/

rpm -Uvh http://fedora.ip-connect.vn.ua/fedora-epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

and put

yum -y groupinstall "KDE desktop" "X Window System" "Fonts"



After restarting the login and run the command

init 5

We will see it

Username and password here

Now you have to make it to the Russian. Please see whether there is our locale, it looks so ru_RU.utf8, execute the command

locale -a | grep ru

Found locally, create a file (if not) the team

touch /etc/sysconfig/i18n    


nano /etc/sysconfig/i18n

and write to (if there is not this)


Ctrl+O и Ctrl+X

Now for KDE, execute

yum install kde-l10n-Russian

Now go to KDE, click the Start button analogue System settings - Region & Language and choose a Russian like this

Restart your login and team

init 5 ---- Below I will discuss how to make KDE starts automatically.

That's Russian, is now open

nano /etc/inittab

and find the line


change it to


Save Ctrl+O Ctrl+X and


Now we see it

Something like that.